Examination Rules and Regulations

Examination Rules and Regulations

Examination includes mid- semester examination, end-of –semester examinations and final examinations.

– Candidates must read and abide by all the instructions on the examination booklet or face the consequences as may be recommended by the Department/school Examination Committee.

Candidates are not allowed to bring any valuable item to the examination hall for any reason and should there be any in-disciplined student who dares it, such student shall be met with wroth.

Semester examination shall consist a maximum of seven questions a minimum of six (6) questions from which students shall answer five (5) or four (4) questions for 3 units or 2 units course respectively.

The minimum and maximum time allowed for examinations of 3 units, 2 units and 1unit courses shall be 2 hours or shorter than 1 hour depending on the number of units allotted to the course.

Three unit courses with theory and practical shall be examined and assessed in two parts i.e. paper 1&2.

All papers shall be marked out of 100 marks. Marks shall be indicated where all questions do not carry equal marks.

For the purpose of computing the final marks scored in any course, examination shall carry 70% while continuous assessment shall be at least three (3) test/ term paper, in a semester.

45% is the minimum pass mark in a course, a student who scores less than 45% in a core course/ required option course shall be required to carry it over.

Student’s whose CGPA is less than 1.5 shall be required to undergo three (3) additional months intensive revision studies to enable him/her qualify for a direct admission.

No student shall repeat an examination in a course once he/she has passed the examination in the course

 Carry Over.

At the end of the semester Examination, any student(s) who fail  a particular unit subject or course,  will have to carry it over to the next session particular semester to re-apply for re-write.

 Absence from Examination

  • Student who absents him/herself from a paper or some papers or from the whole examination shall within the three (3) additional intensive revision studies be made to sit for such course.
  • Any student who is absent from a paper or some papers or from the whole examination without reasons or with reasons unacceptable to the academic board shall be credited zero mark in the examination. This might not affect his/her score in the continuous assessment.

 Arrival of Candidates in the Examination Hall

  • Students shall arrive in the examination hall latest 30 minutes before the commencement of the examinations. No candidate shall be allowed to leave the examination hall during the first 1 hour and the last 30 minutes to the end of the exam with or without permission.
  • Students arriving the examination hall 30 minutes after the commencement of a paper shall not be allowed to sit for such paper.

 Examination Materials to be provided by candidates

  • Students are to provide themselves with pen, pencil, eraser (Indian rubbers), sharpener/ razor blade, Mathematics set, drawing instruments, dissecting sets, non-programmable calculators (when applicable) and four figure tables

 Examination Discipline

  • A student for written examination shall not take mobile phones, handbag/ purse and any papers into the examination hall except his/ her admission notice and identity card given to him/her by the institute.
  • Only registration numbers shall be used for identification during examinations.
  • Candidates shall not be allowed to take away from the examination hall, any used/un-used answer script.
  • A student shall be given all the papers he/she needs. Any rough work shall be done in the answer booklet provided for the examination but shall be neatly cancelled to make it legible. Every candidate shall therefore, work on papers provided for the examination by the institution.
  • No student shall bring into the examination hall any working aid like printators or gadgets for visual display models sketches or formulae.
  • Where a student is in doubt as to what he/she is allowed to take into the examination hall, he/she finds out from the department examination officer or the invigilator before the start of the paper,
  • All forms of “co-operation” between students (e.g. conversation, exchange of papers, writing and drawing aids, calculator, eraser and all forms of communication in the examination hall) are regarded as examination misconduct which are liable for punishment.
  • Where a candidate is in an uncomfortable circumstance, he/she shall call the attention of the invigilator by raising up his/her hand. Tapping on the table or desk And any form of noise in order to invite attention is a violation of proper conduct of the examination and shall be considered as misconduct.
  • Students can visit the toilet once during an examination and of course, under strict escort.
  • It is an act of serious misconduct for a candidate to:
  • Destroy or mutilate an object that can be used as evidence against him/her
  • Solicit for marks before or after an examination
  • Possess examination/stationery and / or material before or after the examination
  • Possess examination questions(s) before the examination.
  • It is a misconduct to carry any weapon of any sort to the examination hall.

Submission and Collection of Answer Scripts

Students shall submit their answer script by hand to the invigilator and sign a prepared sheet of attendance.

The question paper becomes the property of the student only where the nature of examination permits its being taken out of the examination hall

  • Student may submit his/her answer scripts anytime but not earlier than 30 minutes from the commencement of writing an examination if he/she wishes but shall leave the examination hall immediately. On no account shall such candidates be allowed back into the examination hall.
  • It is misconduct for a student to commit or involve in any act of malpractice during examinations.

 Petitions on Examination

  • Student reserves the right to petition if he/she believes that there are justifiable reasons to indicate or prove that his/her academic performance has been wrongly or unfairly assessed in any part/parts of subjects, tests, course work etc. that forms part of the semester examinations. A student making a petition is advised to state his/her case in detail and to attach/refer to all relevant facts, documents and witness.
  • All petitions shall be forwarded through the Head of Admin, to the Director of Studies who shall present the case to the academic board for appropriate action.
  • ll-Health
  • Students in ill-health who requires any form of attention or who feels that his/her health may affect his/her work in the examination hall shall notify the Head of Admin through his/her head of department prior to the examination date with medical proof.
  • In case a student falls ill during an examination, he/she shall report immediately to the invigilator who shall take necessary action
  • The head of department shall request for a medical report on any student who falls ill during examination.

When a student falls ill during the examination period, a written report on the student shall be made by a doctor and forwarded to the Registrar.

  • All medical reports shall reach the head of department promptly after the student had been reported ill. The head of department shall send the medical report of (all) such candidates to the registrar within 48hours of receiving them.
  • Any student found in any form of misconduct in the examination hall shall immediately be asked by the invigilator, examiner or other officers involved in the conduct of the examination to write and sign a statement relating to the incident, which the student is obliged to do immediately. Witness to the incident shall also be requested to write and sign a statement in respect of the incident.
  • Invigilator (s) is advised to personally deliver his/her report as well as the (student) and witness’s statement to the student’s head of department who forwards them to the Director of Studies.
  • Examination misconduct shall be dealt with as appropriate or as deemed fit by the institute management.
  • The punishment for misconduct in an examination shall be any penalty which may appear to the management to be appropriate for the misconduct.
  • Specific Penalties for Examination Misconduct
  • Any student committing any section(s) of the above listed examination misconduct (a) and (c), shall be disqualified in the relevant examination paper and shall be deemed to have failed that paper. Such a candidate shall be allowed to carry over the paper provided he/she satisfies the conditions for carry-over.
  • Misconduct (b) & (d) above, the candidate shall be disqualified from the entire examination and rusticated for three months academic period and shall be required to re-register at the expiration of the rustication.
  • Misconduct (e): The candidate who is impersonated shall be expelled from the school. Any impersonator who is not a student of the school will be handed over to the law enforcement.
  • Where the offence committed does not fall under violation of i (a) or (a)-(e) above, the academic Board shall decide a penalty which considers commensurate to the offence so committed.
  • Any suspected case of misconduct during examination shall be treated in the following procedural manner:
  • As soon as a candidate is suspected by any examination official, or having resorted to any examination misconduct, the answer scripts and ID cards of the candidate shall be seized by the invigilator; any relevant materials found on the candidate shall be seized attached to the seized script and ID card in the presence of the candidate. The invigilator shall immediately complete form “A” for reporting examination misconduct and hand it over to the candidate who will complete form “B” the affected student is made to write a statement in the “B” which is to be attached to the necessary examination misconduct immediately in the hall. The invigilator shall report the case with all necessary documents to the chief invigilator/examination officer who also completes form “c” forms “A”, “B” and “C” shall be forwarded to the examination chairman of the department for endorsement and necessary action.
  • A fresh answer sheet shall be given to the candidate to continue the examination(if still in progress and if the Departmental examination chairman so decides especially when caught with textbooks copying).

At the conclusion of the relevant examination paper, the invigilator shall, forward both the answer scripts (marked 1 & II) to the examination chairman of the department who shall in turn, forward the scripts together with the misconduct report to the head of the affected department. The chairman may also take oral/or written statement from any source it deems useful to the case or even call the student concerned to make himself available for personal interview.

  • The Departmental examination committee shall investigate all cases of examination misconduct. This committee shall summit the report of its finding together with necessary recommendations to the Director of Studies/Examination Committee within (3) three working days of the offence. The candidate shall be invited to defend his/her action before the Departmental Examination Committee. The report together with the candidate’s representation shall be submitted by the head of Department to the Academic Board for necessary action.
  • Any candidate charged with any examination misconduct shall be required to remain in the school and be available to the committee until they complete their investigation.
  • Any candidate who is guilty of an examination misconduct which does not fall under any specific case shall have disciplinary action taken against him/her. In the case of an offence which in the opinion of the department examination committee are:
  • Not serious enough to justify the cancellation of all part of his/her papers, the candidate may be disciplined with a cancellation of the particular paper with regards to which the misconduct has been committed or be excluded from participation in future papers.
  • Serious enough to justify the cancellation of his/her papers. Without prejudice to sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) shall (in consultation with the chairman of the departmental examination with room if necessary) order a summary expulsion of a candidate from an examination room if in his/her opinion the continued presence of the candidate in the room is not suitable for the good conduct of the examination, and thereafter submit a written report of their action to the school examination committee and the academic board.
  • Note, however, that in the case where a staff is personally involved in misconduct, the Chief Invigilator/ examination officer shall make a report to the HOD/Director of Studies who shall report the case to central examination committee. The central examination committee will therefore make its recommendations to the academic board for consideration; where the staff is found guilty the case will be passed to the appropriate disciplinary committee of the School for appropriate action.
  • Approval of Results: the departmental results shall be forwarded to the academic board after due consideration and approval at a meeting between the directors of studies (faculty deans) and the heads of departments. The Dean of academic affairs office shall eventually release the final result after it has been approved by the academic board. Successful candidates shall be issued with overall statement of results at the end of their final examination.
  • The notification of examination results

– The examination results shall be published only after the academic board has ratified them.

– The answer scripts/booklets written by the candidates shall be persevered for at three consecutive academic years or thirty-six calendar months before they are shredded;

– Under no circumstance shall examination marks be communicated to the candidate(s) or to any other unauthorized persons without the approval of the academic board.

– The list of both successful and unsuccessful candidates in each department after approval by the academic board shall be published by the Registrar.

– All results shall be displayed on the official notice board of the school within 48 hours of the academic board approval.

– Statement of results shall only be issued at the end of the program to the successful students by the Director of Studies while the departmental head would issue semester result, once the academic board has approved such results.

– In the case of repeat/withdrawn students, their statement of result shall be sent to their sponsor/next-of-kin as contained in the students’ detailed data form.

– The list of expelled students shall be sent to other institutes of higher learning with their passport photographs for their records.

– Withholding of results: all information relating to the semester or diploma results may be withheld from students who have not fulfilled all contractual conditions to the school such as non-payment of relevant fees in full, the return of all books borrowed from the library and other equipment from lab/workshop on loan or where the overall CGPA is below the required standard or on the basis of misconduct.

– External Examinations

– Examinations such as IJMB, GCE Advanced level, JUPEP etc. shall be moderated by external examiners approved and provided by the academic examination body on the recommendation of the respective school’s examination committee.

– Students sitting for these exams must duly register for such exams and procure books before the examination proper to avoid being denied accesses to the exam hall.

– Director of Studies shall bring the report to the notice of the academic board and notify the heads of department within the first four weeks of the first semester of the academic year.