Hostel Accommodation
There is a posh hostel accommodation facility for boys and girls within the school Campus. Furthermore, the hostel accommodation is provided for students on demand on first-come first served basis. No student will be given hostel accommodation who does not adhere strictly to the Rules and Regulations laid down by the students’ affairs Department and such a person will be evicted from the hostel if found defaulting.
Any student with any issue or challenge in the hostel should first report to the hostel porter or portress as the case may be who will immediately report same to the Matron.
The school is a two storey complex having 18 large size class rooms containing 50 students each. In addition, there are 7 rooms for administrative offices, lecturers’ common room, we have a total of 8 water system conveniences spread among the floors as well as water and power supply.
To further advance the course of our student’s standard, we established and equipped six laboratories namely: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geography, Electrical Electronics as well as computer Science laboratories. There are available computer laboratory equipment with modern computers for internet browsing. This is span for staff and students for maximum use.
There shall also be a workshop for all technical students.
Guardian and Counseling
Counseling office is provided with a Guarding Counselor to guide and counsel the students during their one stay in the school.
Other Infrastructural Facilities Available for the take-off of the programs, the following are the facilities available:
Medical Center Facilities
The institution has a medical clinic (APP Clinic) managed by a licensed Nurse equipped with suitable facilities to take care of first aid cases as the needmay arise. However, for serious cases, affected persons shall be referred to the General Hospital, which situates in a distance less than one thousand meters from the institution.
The school operates library service for the betterment of the entire school community. The hours of opening shall be as follows:-
Library During School Session: Monday to Friday 8.00am to 5.00 pm. Saturday 9.00am to 3.00pm.
Library During Vacation: Monday to Friday 8.00am-3.30pm. The library will normally be closed on Sunday to recognize the official work free day.
Membership of the library is open to all students of the institution. To enjoy the library’s book loan facilities, a registration form must be completed by each candidate, which in turn will be issued with two reader’s borrowing tickets and library identification card.
Borrowing of Books
All readers registered with the library may borrow any book which is not otherwise restricted for use only within the library, e.g. reference or reserved books, and either bound or unbound periodicals.
Readers may borrow a maximum of two books at a time for a period of 14 days before renewal if need be, and if no prior request has been made for the same book(s) by other readers.
All books to be borrowed must be represented at the Library Assistant table with the ticket in person who must present both his library tickets(s) and I.D cards.
Each reader is responsible for the return of all library books in his/her possession whether or not he/she receive an overdue notice from the library.
Holders of overdue period exceed 15 days; further loan privileges will be withdrawn from the defaulter.
Lost Books
Readers are responsible for the safekeeping of all books loaned to them, and in the event of loss or damage. They are required (compulsorily) to make an immediate replacement or pay current cost of the book(s) to avoid further disciplinary charges against them.
Theft and Mutilation of Books
Theft and mutilation of library books (serious anti-social behavior) creates a gap in the collection of books and impair their usefulness for present and future readers since such publication may never be obtainable again at whatever cost. These deviant attitudes will attract disciplinary action and may earn the culprit rustication in the case of mutilation or expulsion from the institution in the case of theft.
General Library Regulations
Brief cases, bags, sticks, Waterproofs and any other gadgets etc, must not be taken into the Library.
All books and journals consulted in the library should not be returned to the shelves but left on the reading tables as the library staff will take care of them accordingly.
Readers must submit all items in their possession (books, files, papers, etc.) for the scrutiny of the porter at the entrance when leaving the library. Readers must submit themselves for a thorough search on demand.
Reservation of seats(s) is not allowed in the library because the policy observed by library is that of first come, first served.
In the interest of others, the following regulations should be observed strictly:-
Absolute silence should be determined at all times in the library.
Eating and drinking are not permitted in the library.
The librarian may suspend or withdraw library privileges from any reader who contravenes these regulations and may report him\herself to the management for further disciplinary action.