Components of the Final Examination

The APP examination consists:

– Continuous Assessment (CA) which 30% comprises class attendance, Punctuality, assignments, tests, end of semester examination, scores for practicals, etc.

– Examination which 70% is comprising 2 or 3 written examination papers (objectives, easy, practical) as defined by the subject syllabus. Details of examination papers peculiarities for all examinable subjects are as contained in the syllabus.

-To obtain a grade, candidates must have both CA and examination components.


Mark range     letter grade     Grade points       Interpretation
70-above                    A                            5                                 Excellent
60-69                          B                            4                                 Very Good
50-59                           C                           3                                 Good
45-49                           D                           2                                 Merit
40-44                           E                           1                                  Pass
0-39                             F                            0                                 Fail

Grade A-E are considered as pass grades while ‘F’ is a fail grade. The total grade point for a candidate is the cumulative total for the A-Level subjects attempted. Candidates are entitled to bonus of one point, if they pass all the three A-Level subjects with at least an ‘E’ grade.